19 January 2023 · SPS protocol template for the administration of lidocaine plus prilocaine cream to facilitate intrauterine contraception (IUC) insertion or removal.
19 January 2023 · SPS PGD template for administering subcutaneous terbutaline sulfate for the reduction of contraction frequency in individuals in labour.
19 January 2023 · SPS PGD template for the intrapartum administration of benzylpenicillin for prevention of early-onset Group B Streptococcus (GBS) infection in neonates.
9 February 2022 · SPS PGD template for the supply of folic acid 5mg tablets to reduce risk of neural tube defect or compensate for increased folate demand during pregnancy.
8 December 2021 · E-learning developed by SPS in partnership with UKHSA, HEE and eLfH to support professionals who use, develop, authorise, review or update PGDs.
19 October 2021 · These are the detailed and easy read summary reports of the northern pharmacy technical services (PTS) workforce project. They provide a critical analysis of the…
5 October 2021 · SPS PGD template for administering benzylpenicillin prior to transfer to secondary care in suspected bacterial meningitis or meningococcal septicaemia.