Medicines tools help guide practice in specific areas including medicines monitoring, medicines supply, and filling medicines compliance aids.

Medicines Monitoring

Summarised recommendations and guidance for medicines requiring monitoring to save you time when you're making monitoring decisions with patients

Medicines Supply Tool

Latest information on supply issues, actions to take, alternatives to use, and expected resolution dates. Content provided by DHSC and MVA team, NHS England.

Refrigerated medicines stability tool

Advice on whether refrigerated medicines can or can’t be used after exposure to out-of-range temperatures. Find entries and build and print lists.

Medicines in Compliance Aids Stability Tool

Information on stability for tablets and capsules to help create MCAs for patients. Find entries and then build and print lists specific to your MCA.

Stability Information for Aseptic Services

Information on drug stability to help users make an informed decision on the shelf life for products prepared within aseptic facilities.

Key Molecule Expenditure

View how your organisation is performing for a number of key molecules and compare your performance with others.