Various legal mechanisms can be used to supply and/or administer medicines within OHS. We explain some practical applications within this series.

Occupational Health Services

The British Medical Association (BMA) describes an Occupational Health Service (OHS) as a multidisciplinary service, which aims to protect and promote workers’ physical, mental and social health and well-being through actions related both to the work environment and to the workers themselves.

For the purpose of these articles the terms Occupational Health Scheme and Occupational Health Service (OHS) are deemed interchangeable.

The information in this series of articles has been written in response to enquiries and following discussions with the following groups:

  • SPS PGD Advisory Reference Group (formerly the SPS PGD Board)
  • Care Quality Commission (CQC)
  • UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
  • Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
  • BMA Occupational Medicines Committee
  • an independent healthcare provider
  • Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

Using Patient Specific Directions in OHS

Patient Specific Directions (PSD) can be used in OHS to administer or supply medicines in accordance with the directions of a prescriber.

Patient Specific Directions (PSD) contains further information.

Where PSDs are not appropriate or cannot be used, other mechanisms are available. We explore other mechanisms for administration or supply further within this series, including written instructions and Patient Group Directions.

Medicines mechanisms and occupational health services explainer video

This short video explains different mechanisms for supply or administration of medicines from an occupational health service.

Update history

  1. Explainer video added
  1. Published

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