23 January 2025 · Recommendations for secondary care pharmacy procurement teams to follow before escalating a supply issue or shortage to the SPS Regional Procurement Team.
12 April 2019 · In March 2018 NHMC approved a list of standard service areas which will be incorporated into version 6 of the national KPI dataset. Homecare providers…
2 October 2018 · This document outlines key areas where Chief Pharmacists should focus pharmaceutical expertise prior to an organisation implementing CAR-T Therapy.
30 July 2018 · The development of OPAT (Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy) services and other outpatient intravenous therapies has been rapid over recent years and there are many models…
12 November 2021 · The Devolved Health Administrations in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have different but complementary systems for procuring medicines for acute care