Users should be aware of the constraints and assumptions in creating our annual Prescribing Outlook publications, as well as their responsibilities for use.

Accuracy of content

Information in these resources is the best available at the time of writing but, in this rapidly changing field, is subject to significant change with time.

UK exit from Europe

The full implication of the UK exit from Europe on the availability of new medicines and new indications in the UK is a factor that cannot yet be fully understood. Where UK licensing process is known it is included but, on the whole, EU licensing processes are used to anticipate UK availability in the absence of more definitive data.

Financial assumptions

These are based on the opinions of the authors and are highly sensitive to variation of any one or all of the factors used to arrive at the statement. Generally national figures have been used; use of local figures will increase the reliability of these estimates.

Adaptation of content

The authors do not accept responsibility for accuracy of documents that are derived from this original publication.

Downloading and copying

If you download Prescribing Outlook resources you agree to abide by the following conditions:

These documents are produced by the NHS for the NHS and are intended for use by individual NHS organisations exclusively for internal use within that organisation. The aim is to inform decisions about managed entry of new medicines and medicines management more generally within that organisation. The data within these documents should not be used for commercial purposes or for any means of financial gain.

The documents, or content within them, should not be posted on any websites, copied or forwarded electronically outside your organisation, without the express permission of the executive editor. Please contact to request such permission.


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Our annual medicines planning tools

Annual medicines planning

Our annual Prescribing Outlook outputs support planning, implementation and budget planning for medicines every year.