Transporting COVID-19 vaccines

Published Last updated See all updates

Guidance on transporting COVID-19 vaccines

Transporting COVID-19 vaccines using cool boxes

It may be necessary to transport COVID-19 vaccines from their initial receiving site to a vaccination clinic or to domiciliary settings using cool boxes to ensure the temperature is controlled between 2°C and 8°C during transport.

SPS has produced an example transport SOP that describes the steps to be taken to ensure that all of the vaccines are fit for purpose at the point of administration.

The attachment is presented in Word to enable adaptation locally, or as reference source to check that existing local procedures are robust and comprehensive. Within the SOP, red text indicates where detail is to be added locally.


Further information

For further information about the storage and transport requirements for each vaccine each vaccine refer to the Understanding the characteristics of COVID-19 Vaccines series of articles.

For further information about the use of cool boxes refer to our Temperature control whilst transporting medicines article.

Update history

  1. Assumed time in transport by special logistics providers updated in SOP
  1. Link to cool box guidance now directs to generic cool box guidance article
  1. SOP amended to remove reference to Moderna communication relating to transport as this information is now in the SPC
  1. SOP amended to change total permitted journey time for Spikevax to 30 hours in accordance with communication from Moderna
  1. Page reviewed and up to date for Autumn 2023 campaign
  1. Added in reference to tracking journey time for Spikevax in SOP HCV6
  1. SOP HCV 6 updated to reflect vaccines used in spring 2023 campaign
  1. Updated to include timings for Comirnaty Bivalent vaccine
  1. Published

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